FAQ - CanSkate
How is CanSkate different from the local rec program?
CanSkate is the only Nationally Recognized Learn to Skate Program for beginners of all ages. It was developed by experts to teach the fundamentals of skating in a progressive and sequential manner.Our highly trained Skate Canada NCCP Certified professional coaches will make sure that your child has all the tools needed to learn the basics needed for all types of ice sports. Group lessons include:
- 45 minutes sessions
- Badges and certificates are awarded upon achievement of various levels within the program
- Special event days, themed days, on-ice parties, music and fun throughout the sessions. When you/your child registers for a CanSkate program at Killarney Centre Figure Skating Club, you also become a member of Skate Canada, the national sport governing body for figure skating in Canada
What to expect on CanSkate
All KCFSC CanSkate sessions are broken up into the following:
1. Warm up (10 mins)
Skaters are invited onto the ice and immediately begin skating around the perimeter of the ice known as the “Fast Track”. Music is played from the overhead speakers as a coach leads the warm up. Skaters need to be listening and watching the coach leading the warm up for cues on what to do. PAs are available to help unsure skaters.
At the end of warm up the sound of a bell can be heard. Skaters may be called into the center if there are messages to relay, or they may be sent directly to their colour groups directly.
2. Lesson time: Circuits (30 mins)
There are 3 lessons of about 10 minutes each. Each lesson addresses a Skate Canada Fundamental Area: Balance, Control & Agility. Each Fundamental Area has increasingly more complex requirements as the skater progresses through the 6 Stages.
Skate Canada has trained all coaches on the desired requirements to pass each individual skill. Skaters will have a lesson based on their ability level with each of the stations. Assessment is weekly and ongoing for all skaters and progress reports will be provided at the end of the season.
Skate Canada requires coaches to teach their lessons with circuits. A circuit is a series of skills joined together without a break in skating. Skaters can start anywhere on the circuit and not miss doing a skill as they will skate on a repeating pattern.
The benefit is that there is over 90% movement on the part of the skater, allowing for greater practice time in each lesson through repetition. The coach can more easily assess and give feedback to a skater as there are more opportunities for the coach to see the skill being practiced.
CanPower, CanFigure, and CanAdult will have their 30 minute lesson time in their designated area on the ice.
Rotation between lessons:
At the end of a lesson, skaters will take a short break by skating around the Fast Track before returning to their group for a new lesson. At this time the skater will go to a different station on a different part of the ice.
How does the skater know where to go for the next lesson?
Skaters have a colour sticker on their name badges after the first day. This sticker corresponds to a colour flag on the ice. Skaters look for and follow their colour flag to their new teaching area.
3. Cool Down/Group Activity (5 mins)
Skaters gather for a group/cool down activity. Each week, these activities will vary. This time gives the skater time to interact with their peers and practice what they have learned that day in new and fun ways before they go home.
What should my child wear for CanSkate lessons?
For children learning to skate, staying warm is important, as is wearing clothing that provides good mobility. If the skater is wearing pants, they should be snug fitting (not baggy) and it helps to have another layer underneath them, such as a pair of tights. Close fitting tops and jackets are also essential. Snow pants/ski suits may be good for Pre-CanSkate just learning to skate but make moving around on the ice difficult for those who are more advanced.
A CSA approved hockey helmet is also required for all CanSkate lessons, no bicycle helmets!
Please see the KCFSC Handbook for more information on attire and equipment.
For a full overview of our CanSkate programs please download the CanSkate Handbook: